In-person events:
536 E 6 Mile Rd, Luther, MI 49656
If you like board games and are looking for some nerdy Christians to game and hangout with, then this is the retreat for you!
If you sign up, you wont be alone, as a number of people in our Discord server are already planning on attending. :)
Details about the retreat can be found here:
We hope to CIYA there! :D
Meet us each Tuesday at 7:00 PM in Community Church (1400 W Broomfield St. Mount Pleasant, MI 48858) for a night of worship and fellowship!
Just enter the doors that lead to The Chapel; the signs will help lead the way. :)
Discord events:
And another thing on Mondays!
Join the server to stay posted!
***For In-person events, PLEASE RSVP so I know how many people to expect.
Scroll down to see the contact options to send your RSVP to.
All messages about our group can be sent to, my phone contact 989-473-6499, or to my Discord handle @lia_thecaretaker.
We hope to CIYA soon!
But let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price.